Tag: posiel

  • BlakeBackpacks – Peer review #3

    Overview https://blakebackpacks.com/ is a website that provides insights from Blake about the field, with content ranging from gear reviews to general backpacking advice. Content While overall a well-defined website with a clear ethos, where I think Blake’s website is strongest is the clear connection of his content to his intended audience. It starts with the…

  • Shimmering Serendipity – Peer review #2

    https://shimmeringserendipity.com/ OVerview shimmeringserendipity.com is a blog run by Sharlene, with content focused mainly on photography, accompanied by thoughts she has in her life. Visuals Upon visiting, audience will immediately notice fun, bright gradients on a site that is decorated with lots of gorgeous photos, making this website a nice space to immerse yourself in when…

  • #4 – Audience

    What audience have you been imagining so far? Because I haven’t talked about this blog to anyone but a few friends, those are the only people I expect to be reading my blog, aside from members of PUB101. With my friends, I have a sense of what their humour is like, and know that I…

  • Joie’s blog – Peer review #1

    https://joiemarin.com/ Overview joiemarin.com is a space where Joie blogs her thoughts about the books she has read. So far, her content specifically includes reviews and recommendations. Visual identity Even before beginning to parse through the content, the theme of Joie’s blog is communicated very clearly through a cohesive visual aesthetic. What stands out to me…

  • Mini-Assignment #2: A Day in the Life of Cheep-Cheep

    Hi guys! I’m Cheep-cheep, and you might know me from the Super Mario franchise. Did you guys know that life is so hard when you’re a little fish in the Mario world? I’m here today to tell you guys all about it. Morning Most days, I start my days with a quick swim around the…

  • Mini-Assignment #1: Meme

    currently repenting for my sin

  • #2 – Setting Up WordPress

    Setup and Installation Having experience in both working with WordPress and setting up a website before, I overall did not have much difficulty in installing and setting up my website. The real struggle however, was in figuring out how to customize my theme in a way that would make my website look personal. I previously…

  • #1 – When do you consider a person ‘known’?

    Encounter with a stranger I take the Canada Line often on my commutes, and so do a sizable amount of other people in Vancouver, from local citizens to international students. My recent encounter with a stranger began by a coincidence, which then I decided to pursue. It happened at Robson Square when I was waiting…