Author: admin

  • bubly water, in the y2k era

    Hear me out – since bubly water came out fairly recently, only in 2018, how would its marketing and branding have been different if it was introduced to the market 20 years ago? This was a design activity that was also sparked by my obtaining of a few early 2000’s design books this weekend. To…

  • Wii Sports Resort as a water park theme: A proposal

    This post is a branch-off from my previous post, about water park awards. I understand that achieving a water park award would involve not just coming up with an idea, but actually making the idea a reality. However, what I think is that as long as there is a cool, viable blueprint to build a…

  • The world of water park awards

    The world of water attractions is larger than meets the eye – at least, that’s what I learned when I started looking into water parks for this blog. Based in the United States, there exists an organization called the World Waterparks Association, whose main objective, according to their About page, is to educate and expand…

  • How much of the Shape of Water can I predict from just the trailer?

    I could give a full movie review, but I can’t Given that my blog is intended to cover ‘anything about water’, I realize how strange it would be to never talk about pop culture pieces that talk about water. This includes movies; namely, “Shape of Water”, which won a few Academy awards a couple years…

  • #12 – Comments section

    My blog is a space where I just want to provide personal opinion, and I do not really seek it as a place to spark debate or conversation. It may sound cold, but should there be polarizing opinions left in my hypothetical comments section, I am not really interested in defending my content, as I…

  • #11 – Pokemon and transmedia storytelling

    Pokemon as Transmedia Storytelling was an article written 10 years ago, and the world it exists in has shifted since then. I want to use this article as an excuse to get something off of my chest: my take on the Palworld vs. Pokemon debate. The dust has settled quite a bit now and the…

  • #10 – Marketability of my own site

    Completing peer review #3 was a good opportunity to think about marketing to an audience. In conjunction with reading about SEO’s this week, I felt like there were a few areas that I could improve upon to build credibility. Domain name While at the beginning of the semester, I was content with the name…

  • #9 – Are analytics worrisome?

    What, really, are the effects of having your information held hostage online? The digital era is not the first time that people have readily given away personal information to corporations and anonymous crowds – perhaps this idea stems from my lack of understanding of the pre-2000s, but initially upon reading the week 9 process post…

  • #8 – An AI-generated blog

    Week 8’s readings were predominantly about generative AI tools. I do think AI applications are powerful tools and are already in the public light as such, but often, I find that it’s difficult to find definitive stances about the social implications of AI. In the context of my blog, there’s something that AI-generated content makes…

  • Infographic – MA#5